
Importing old posts from LiveJournal

Oliver Brown
— This upcoming video may not be available to view yet.

Before I hosted my own content in various forms, I maintained a LiveJournal which is still available at (although I warn you, when I looked at it today it was full of Russian Bitcoin related ads).

I have finally imported the missing posts from this.

There weren’t many so I just did it manually. I even went to the effort of updating my theme to include “mood” and “music” in my post front matter and it add it to theme (these were very important to LiveJournal back in the day).

The posts are all part of the normal flow (and currently start around page 56). There is a bit of duplicated content as I posted some content to both places for a few days. Either way, the imported content is available in isolation in the LiveJournal section.

One interesting consequence is I have changed the copyright start year for the blog from “2005” to 2004".

Bob's Markup Language

Oliver Brown
— This upcoming video may not be available to view yet.
Mood: 😉 giggly
🎵 Not Gonna Get Us

I’m currently on LiveJournal’s website (obviously) and I noticed the pages are BML pages. I’m sure I read somewhere on the site what BML was but the first thing I thought just now was “Bob’s Markup Language”. Oh well.

What you just read, or about to read, or may well ignore is the first chapter of a story of mine I might just finish eventually.

I just added this website ( to my UDS ( profile. They have a PR5 domain and they have the damn thing frame their website. They really need to sort it. But of course since Caroline is in control it won’t happen. I’m thinking of proposing the website is added to the IVDA constitution. Probably not good to complain now there is a chance of someone from over there reading this. On the other hand how bad would it be to piss people off? They can’t do anything anymore (although I’m not sure what John’s would be to negativity about Caroline).

This is babbling I know. But it’s therapeutic I told you.

I need to add fake tan.

I wonder what Julia will think of fake tan. Does she know it smells? Not badly or strongly, just persistently.